Monthly Archives: October 2013

Week 43 (October 20th – October 26th): “Leaf” My Pile Alone

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It’s not too often that I get to acknowledge that my husband and I make a good team, but by golly we do! We are pretty united when it comes to our children and how we want to raise them. Sure, we sometimes have to bring the other one back to Earth when locked into a battle of wills against one of the young-uns. And sure, we have our own opinions on (and tolerances of) what’s an acceptable level of mess and noise. But, otherwise, I think it’s pretty safe we are pretty solidly united.

That’s why when I heard that my husband made a leaf pile–a HUGE leaf pile—and let the kids JUMP in it, my first thought was “that’s crazy!” I know even as I type this that I’m sort of being ridiculous and I think I’m pretty good about going with the flow….BUT… there is no way I’d spend all that time gathering leaves just so they can smoosh it and cause the pile to scatter! I’m not lazy. I’m not against children having innocent, classic fun. I just really don’t think I could do it. But I think we are all lucky that I have a husband that was more than happy to let them do it.

So, while I know the kids are lucky that they have two parents that pretty much see eye to eye on how to raise them, I think it’s even better that they have parents that are different, have different comfort levels with things and balance each other out.

Plus, I’m pretty impressed that he even remembered to grab a few pictures of the big leaf jumping event! These kids had a fantastic time!

The big pile

The big pile

Silly, beautiful girl

Silly, beautiful girl

Ready, set, JUMP

Ready, set, JUMP

Who is that under there?

Who is that under there?

Week 42 (October 13th-October 19th): Intrepid

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We had our first full family outing in New York City. We made the “trek” into NYC to visit the Intrepid. ( Liam thought he was our tour guide, given that he has been to THEE city before. Caroline tried to talk us into swinging by the American Girl headquarters. There was plenty to do and see and we didn’t even get to the shuttle or submarine. Jeff’s already talking about *maybe* taking the kids in to the city this Christmas. It’s nice being close enough to make the trip in and do some of these things, but I still wouldn’t want to live there. Just don’t tell Liam I said that!

Some of the aircrafts we saw

Some of the aircrafts we saw with the city in the background

Anchors away

Anchors away

Anchors away, again

Anchors away, again



Hmm...maybe we should get bunk beds for home?

Hmm…maybe we should get bunk beds for home?

Week 41 (October 6th – October 12th): Future Fire Fighters (& Ambulance Drivers)

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Butterfly firefighter

Butterfly firefighter

All dressed up for his ride

All dressed up for his ride

Caroline was brave and went first with the hose

Caroline was brave and went first with the hose

Liam mans the hose

Liam mans the hose

Liam, like many little boys, loves firetrucks & firemen. Caroline has always had a fondness for ambulances and doctors and nurses. So when the Hampton Bays Fire Department held their annual open house, we HAD to go. Liam put on his best shirt for it. Caroline fancied herself up, too. Face painting, hot dogs, emergency vehicles galore and a ride on a fire truck—a great way to spend the afternoon.

It was great to see them still so excited about these interests. It was about two years ago when they had their first ride in a fire truck and you would have thought today was the first time all over again—they were that excited. I often wonder when (or if) they will move on from some of the things they love now. I know some kids grow up and leave behind some of those ideas about being a hero and serving their communities. I’m glad they aren’t ready to let go just yet.

Just for fun, here are those pictures from two years ago.

Caroline's first fire truck ride.  Maryland circa Thanksgiving 2011.

Caroline’s first fire truck ride. Maryland circa Thanksgiving 2011.

He got dressed up for this ride, too!

He got dressed up for this ride, too!

Week 40 (September 29th- October 5th): San Gennaro–HB style

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The Feast of San Gennaro is a huge 11 day celebration that is held in Little Italy in NYC every September. It’s been going on for over 85 years. We haven’t been to it, but thanks to some folks in Hampton Bays, we had our own little San Gennaro feast just a few minutes from home. It’s the third year the town has hosted it and our second year in attendance. The only difference between last year and this year, as far as I can tell, is that the weather was nicer this year. And we spent a lot more money this year.

We watched a parade. We had some pizza and chicken parm sandwiches. And the kids rode rides. Lots of rides–at least it seemed to be to a lot to them (this is where all the money went!). They did the Ferris Wheel with Jeff because I am not ashamed to admit I don’t like to be that high off the ground. Caroline & Liam ventured into a “fun” house without adult supervision and LOVED every minute of it even though she confessed that at one point they were trapped in a room of mirrors. But her solution, she told me, was to follow some bigger kids out. That’s my smarty girl!

They did manage to convince me to go on the strawberry ride with them. Is it wrong to admit I felt a bit dizzier than I’d like to be by the end of it?

This was Liam's first time ever on a Ferris Wheel.  He thought it was cool that he could see the tops of buildings.

This was Liam’s first time ever on a Ferris Wheel. He thought it was cool that he could see the tops of buildings.

Ready to roll!  She was too funny waving at us EVERY TIME she passed by.  I kept waiting for her to get tired of it.

Ready to roll! She was too funny waving at us EVERY TIME she passed by. I kept waiting for her to get tired of it.

He picked this exact same character to ride in last.  Guess he likes what he likes.

He picked this exact same character to ride in last year at the feast. And he loved it just as much.

Away we go! In my defense, we did get this berry going very fast!

Away we go! In my defense, we did get this berry going very fast!

Week 39 (September 22nd-September 28): Friends & Family

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As a family that doesn’t often get to see friends and family, we really hit the jackpot this week! A trip to Cape May at the beginning of the week gave us time with our good friends, Jim & Joan (our most gracious hosts!) and Granny & Great Mom mom & Jeff’s aunts. We also got to spend time with Jeff’s cousin & his family—a first for us. Caroline & Liam made instant friends with their new cousins. What a great trip with time spent at the beach, on the boardwalk, and making new memories.

The end of the week brought us visitors from away. The Hardy family came all the way from China….Maine (sorry, I couldn’t resist!). Caroline & Liam were certain that the Hardy children were also cousins. The time flew by but I think it’s safe to say we all had a great time (I won’t mention the meltdowns that each kid managed to fit in). And I can brag that my friend Angela ran in the Hampton’s Half Marathon while here and beat her personal record. Yay, Angela!

How did I manage to get a picture of Jim but not Joan? Seems to happen every trip.  Maybe next year she should drive the tractor!

How did I manage to get a picture of Jim but not Joan? Seems to happen every trip. Maybe next year she should drive the tractor!

Can't beat ice cream at Fleck's!

Can’t beat ice cream at Fleck’s!

Yes. I made my son do the Karate Kid pose.  Someday he'll appreciate it.

Yes. I made my son do the Karate Kid pose. Someday he’ll appreciate it.

Camera ready! She NEVER wants to pose for pictures.  Must be the Jersey girl in her coming out!

Camera ready! She NEVER wants to pose for pictures. Must be the Jersey girl in her coming out!

Checking out Jeff's work with the Hardy's

Checking out Jeff’s work with the Hardy’s

I always say September is the best month for hanging at the beach!

I always say September is the best month for hanging at the beach!

These two were instant friends---just like last summer when we saw the Hardy's in Maine

These two were instant friends—just like last summer when we saw the Hardy’s in Maine