Monthly Archives: January 2013

Week 3 (January 13th-19th): I’m Bored!

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I would LOVE to meet the person that taught that phrase to my children. There is no way they should be bored! Ever! So when Liam started claiming at 6:30 in the morning that he was “bored” I tossed him the tupperware and told him to get to work matching the covers with the containers!

Liam's boring morning

Liam’s boring morning

I’m not sure what my desired outcome was, but he really enjoyed himself. I wasn’t surprised since he is the puzzle king and finding the right match is similar to completing a puzzle, but I was surprised when he woke up bright and early the next day asking to do it again! I swear I will never buy another toy or game again 🙂

Week 2 (January 6th – January 12th): Warm Winter Weather

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We’ve had a few weeks of pretty mild weather. When we moved to New York, I certainly didn’t expect that the kids would be outside without coats in January. A teeny tiny part of me is wishing for just a little bit of snow. I know there’s still a few months left of winter and anything is possible, so I guess I will just have to keep my fingers crossed.

And if we DO get snow, someone please remind me that I asked for it!

The nice weather inspired Caroline & Liam to give their vehicles a tune-up/

The nice weather inspired Caroline and Liam to give their vehicles a tune-up.

I might be wishing to see a little bit of white fluff, but the lack of snow clearly isn't keeping Caroline & Liam from sledding.

I might be wishing to see a little bit of white fluff, but the lack of snow clearly isn’t
keeping Caroline & Liam from sledding.

“There’s one good thing about snow, it makes your lawn look as nice as your neighbor’s.” -Clyde Moore

2013 Week 1 (December 30th-January 5th): See Post 52

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I’m pretty sure I messed up the numbering of the weeks some how, some where. No bother to me. I don’t have that big of a need to get things right. But just in case someone wants to get picky on me, here’s a picture from the first week of 2013. Now on to week two.

Happy New Year! We decorated cookies but decided to have strawberries instead.

Happy New Year! We decorated cookies but decided to have strawberries instead.

Week 52 (December 30th – January 5th): Last post, new post?

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I’m not sure if this is actually the last week of 2012 or the first week of 2013. Either way, I have it has the last post of 2012. I’m thinking about continuing this Project 52. It’s been fun to look through my pictures each week and see what I should post. But I feel a bit guilty when I don’t post in a timely manner…like today….especially when I usually don’t have a good reason for not doing it sooner.

This week’s picture is just another shot of a “day in the life of….” It was a sunny but not necessarily warm day. Good enough weather to take the dog for a walk. I was aiming for a quick walk. Our usual route should have taken 15 minutes tops. But with the streets boarded by little (and a few not so little) snow piles, Caroline and Liam managed to drag this walk out an extra 15 or 20 minutes. I’m glad they had fun and fresh air, but next time I vow to bring gloves–for me! They don’t keep theirs on, even when picking up snow!

Caroline shows balances as she maneuvers over this snow "hill"

Caroline shows balances as she maneuvers over this snow “hill”

Liam decides to toss the snow chunks while Caroline prefers to stomp them.

Liam decides to toss the snow chunks while Caroline prefers to stomp them.

Week 51 (December 22nd-28th): Caught ya!

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I automatically assumed that this week’s photos would involve a tree, some wrapping paper and stockings, but when I was scrolling through my pictures, I found a few that I liked better even though the pictures themselves are the best.

The first one was taken a few days after Christmas when both kids were a bit cranky and in need of some quiet time (aka rest time aka n-a-p time). I sent them to their rooms to do whatever! Sometimes they play during quiet time, sometimes they sing, sometimes they actually sleep (okay, sometimes Caroline sleeps). Quiet time for Liam hasn’t been “quiet” for a long time. So on this particular day, it was indeed quiet. Too quiet. I snuck a peek into his room, half expecting him to be passed out on the floor. Instead, I couldn’t find him! A quick search found him tucked away, reading from the old World Books that my dad gave the kids during one of our recent visits. It’s not a great picture thanks to all the Christmas clutter but the best part of this picture is that he has no idea I even took it.

Liam's book nook

Liam’s book nook

The next picture is Caroline with her VERY OWN BOOK LIGHT! For months she has been using Jeff’s, which he was happy to lend her but she was growing very attached to it! Some day he just might need it back, so when he was looking for a special Christmas present for his little girl, he found a kid friendly book light. Her face lit up when she opened the package on Christmas morning and she exclaimed that now she has one just like Daddy! Except hers is way cooler than the one Daddy has. Here she is enjoying a few books before catching her nightly zzzzzz’s.

I snapped this picture when I went to check on her.  I have no doubt that she'll be just like me when I was a kid---up way too late reading books!

I snapped this picture when I went to check on her. I have no doubt that she’ll be just like me when I was a kid—up way too late reading books!