Monthly Archives: September 2012

Week 37 (September 16th-22nd): I Sang This Little Ditty….

On the way to Ocean City, heading south along New Jersey’s Shore.

We love Cape May. Just thought I would tell you, in case you didn’t know. I know we are so very lucky to make it back there as often as we do. And even more lucky that our friends Joan and Jim put us up and put up with us 🙂

Nothing beats being able to visit with Granny and Great Mom Mom and the Aunt’s while enjoying the beautiful September weather. This trip was one of the best ever, even though a few of us ended up a little sick. Ice cream at Fleck’s in the Villas. Playing on the beach. A stroll on the boardwalk in Ocean City. Celebrating a birthday before we left. Just a wonderful, easy trip to Cape May. And here’s a few pictures to highlight our fun!

Big Bear Grins at the Cape May County Zoo

Starting the trip off right with ice cream at Fleck’s

Granny gives Liam at boost at the zoo

“I LOVE it here!”

Big waves amuse the little ones!

And here’s my favorite from the trip. Granny took it on the beach in Ocean City. So beautiful that it does not need a caption.

Week 35 (September 2nd-9th): And So It Begins

The first day of (pre)school for our Miss Caroline. And she was ready—just look at her ready to bound off the step!

First Day of Preschool for Caroline

Ready, Set, Go!

Week 36 (September 9th-15th): Get a Job

With Caroline starting preschool, we expected Liam to be a little bent out of shape. Both kids had moments of thinking the grass was greener. Caroline was going to quit school just so she could go grocery shopping last week. And Liam gets the poutiest face when we drop Caroline off at school.

A few weeks ago, Caroline was explaining to Liam that he would get to go to school next year. He didn’t want anything to do with her rationalization. She tried to tell him that he would get to do lots of fun stuff with Mommy when she was at school. He listened politely and when she was finished, he told her that he wasn’t going to go to school. He wasn’t go to do fun things. He was going to get a job. He said it with such conviction and authority that it was impossible not to laugh.

So, he got a job. Walking the dog. Liam and I have settled into a nice little routine of taking the dog for a short walk before picking Caroline up at school. Liam has gotten pretty good at holding the leash and it’s clear to see that both boy and dog are enjoying these beautiful fall walks.

Liam and Cera Take a Walk

The greatest love is a mother’s; then a dog’s; then a sweetheart’s. ~Polish Proverb

Note: Some how I managed to only save week 35 and not publish it. I am not smart enough to know how to rework the order of the posts, so they might be left out of order until the end of time!

Week 34 (August 26th-September 1st): Isn’t She Lovely?

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I didn’t take this picture. I wasn’t even there when Jeff did. I was in the car reading a magazine while Liam was strapped into dreamland. It was Jeff’s idea to check out the Eastern Prom and Caroline was happy to have a new place to run and explore. She took a minute to just sit and watch. I love this picture.

Caroline on the Eastern Prom